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Who we are

We are a secondary school specialized in language immersion and active pedagogy. Our school focuses on teaching methodologies and helping students to develop their own. We put up yearlong projects every year in which students from different grades help each other to attain common goals. The center of our school project is developing autonomy, creativity and collaboration. We want our students to become open-minded citizens of their time with an ability to think "out of the box".


Léonie de Waha


Centro Zalima


Zalima is a vocational training centre and sixth form grammar school, funded by Junta de Andalucía, which has offered its educational services in Cordoba for more than 50 years. Backed and driven by civic initiative, it has greatly contributed to the development and touristic promotion of the Cordovan capital since its creation, mainly through the highly qualified professional and social preparation offered to its female student body andthroughh the intensive cultural and social agenda which it promotes.


Inside the educational framework of Erasmus+ Programme, Zalima is expanding its horizons towards the internationalization of the education. In past years, Zalima has participated in several mobility projects aimed at both students and teachers, including Comenius projects entitled “New European Tourism Enterprise” and “Blue Ribbon - European Waterways as cultural infrastructures”. In 2015, Zalima has been one of the members who has participated in a a Key Action 2 called “Numbers become Art”, cooperating for innovation and exchange of good practices.


Futhermore, Zalima has been approved for a new Key Action 1 regarding Higher Vocational Training learning mobilities. It is focused on VET students who would do a working placement in  a foreign country at the same time they are acquiring professional skills in an international environment.



Vall de Llémena

Sant Gregori 

INS Vall de Llémena is a state  High School in Sant Gregori,  a beautiful valley next to Girona and one hour away from Barcelona. It is a new school created in 2014 with a commitment for innovation based on the following guidelines:


  • Focus on student-centered and active methodologies with assessment for learning.

  • Integrate  digital technology in the learning and teaching process with a 1:1 iPad strategy. 

  • Promote foreign language use and English in content integrated learning

  • Encourage student engagement in a global society to find creative solutions to current issues  with respect for other cultures.


Our school pursues the exchange with other schools and countries as means to raise citizens who live and work in the 21st century. We have participated in several international projects:


- Global Scholars (2015-2018), an education programme funded by Bloomberg Philantropies for young students up to 14 that work on social projects with schools from all over the world.

- Exchange with Scalla College (The Netherlands) since 2015 around the project " Connected by Art"

- Erasmus+

KA1 with Vien on Learning transformation with Portfolios (2015-2016)

KA2 with View as a follow-up on Escaping War: Sharing Refugees Memories

KA2 with Córdoba, Liège and Lisburn on Language learning 2.0 (2016-2018)


We aim to further our international projects and exchanges with a commitment to excellence and personal and social development.





The Wallace
High School


The Wallace High School is a co-educational voluntary grammar school situated in a pleasant residential area of Lisburn, N Ireland.  It was founded in 1880 by a bequest from the estate of Sir Richard Wallace, local landowner and MP, as the Lisburn Intermediate and University School on a site fronting the Antrim Road.  A board of trustees took charge in 1900 to oversee the development of the growing school and, when they renamed it in 1942 in memory of its founder, they adopted the word ‘Esperance’ as the school’s motto from the Wallace coat of arms.  Post-war years witnessed rapid growth in pupil numbers and, after land was purchased in nearby Clonevin Park, a new school was built and opened in 1976. The school continues to expand with a new fitness suite and a wing to house the Home Economics, Art and Moving Images departments due to open in early 2018, adding to our already well-resourced teaching areas for some 1160 pupils in the Grammar school and 200 in the Preparatory Department.


The school enjoys an excellent academic record both locally and nationally and the strong pastoral system ensures that individual pupils benefit from support and guidance in their general welfare as well as in their academic progress.


The school’s Core Values are clearly understood and shared by every member of the school community. We believe in 

  • Commitment by all members of the school community to its caring ethos and academic traditions.

  • Opportunity within a supportive environment for all to fulfil their potential as individuals, lifelong learners and contributors to society.

  • Respect for others and self, and the building of harmonious relationships within the school and the wider community.

  • Excellence, personal achievement and high standards in all areas of school life.​


The school introduced a one-to-one roll out of iPads in 2011 and it is now a core piece of technology, fully integrated into our Learning and Teaching and we are continually seeking to develop our use of this modern pedagogical tool.  Through our participation in the Erasmus+ programme we hope to share our experiences with our partner schools and in turn learn from them about new and interesting methodologies incorporating the use of the iPad within and beyond the modern classroom.

© 2016  2018


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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