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Foreign Language 2.0

In order to improve our students’ competencies in foreign languages, the following activities were carried out: 




Using a green screen students have created videos to tell the weather forecasts using topic specific vocabulary. 


Pedagogical Card





After discussing the importance of learning another language and their experience of language learning to date, pupils undertake an ICT task to produce a poster using Pages highlighting the three most important reasons for learning German/Spanish according to their research findings, as well as their final decision as to which of these two languages they have chosen and why.  

As a result of their second language taster lessons aimed at helping them decide which additional language to begin studying (German or Spanish) in their second year of school, students have been able to research and design a poster to show others the importance of learning additional languages. 


Pedagogical Card



VIDEO GAMES REWIES: Pedagogical Card.


HOLIDAY REPORT: Pedagogical Card.


FILES & PRESENTATION: Pedagogical Card.


GRAMMAR SUMMARY: Pedagogical Card.


CLICHES: Pedagogical Card


© 2016  2018


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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