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Educational Meeting: Café Numérique de Liège

On April 18, we participated in an educational meeting in Liège, in charge of the Café Numérique organization entitled "École Numérique: innovation ou publicité mensongère?


During the colloquium, in addition to presenting the project to a large part of the educational community of the Belgian city of Liège, we had the opportunity to discuss the influence of the application of new technologies in the classroom, its advantages and disadvantages.


Below are the interventions of three of the teachers participating in this project"

Dyonissis Zoes

Athénée Léonie de Waha (Liège)

Araceli Calvo
Araceli Calvo
Pam Brown

The Wallace High School (Lisburn)


Zalima (Córdoba)

© 2016  2018


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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